Introducing Straight Fwd Company™

Dear Friends,

I can hardly suppress my excitement about the new venture I just started. I would like to introduce you to my event planning and consulting agency, Straight Fwd Company.™  

After 9 years of working in marketing and advertising for a variety of corporations, I am pursuing my dream of applying my skills to create value for small business owners. The world is changing rapidly and consumers everywhere are demanding locally sourced goods and services. There are so many amazing, inspiring and brave small business owners who cater to the needs of our community, but so often lack resources to market themselves and generate brand awareness. My vision for Straight Fwd Co.™ is to provide personalized and professional brand support, marketing consulting, community networking, social media management and promotional event planning for these business.

Straight Fwd Co. business cards

Whether you are a local fitness studio, art gallery, coffee shop, microbrewery, freelance photographer, beautician, lifestyle coach, yoga instructor, personal trainer, or any other type of small business owner or startup – we would love to help you grow your business with strategic marketing and promotional initiatives. No job is too small, and the initial consultation is always complimentary.

With the help of my partner, Straight Fwd Co.™ is aiming to provide top quality, highly-personalized, affordable, and completely customizable service, while giving intimate attention to your business needs. We do honest work, and we are always up front. It’s in our name – we are the Truth Talkers.™

To learn more about our services, email us at or call 786-200-1299. To setup your FREE CONSULATION – please submit this new client form. Please help spread the word.